In Columbus, Ohio, Columbus Campaign for Arms Control & the Interfaith Center for Peace will be holding an annual Hiroshima & Nagasaki Remembrance Vigil on Sunday, August 6 (from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM at Battelle Riverfront Park [downtown, just north of the Broad Street Bridge, on the Scioto River]); this year, we'll be using the event to call attention to effects of continued sanctions against Iraq, Yugoslavia, etc.; environmental impacts of nuclear, DU, & other weapons; protests against U.S. military bases in Okinawa, South Korea, Vieques, etc.; & super-exploitation in the Third World made safe for profits by imperial military power. Speakers include Mary Hershberger (of SOA Watch); Greg Elich (local activist & journalist); Chad Alger (OSU professor); Harvey Wasserman (of Greenpeace); & Yoshie Furuhashi. (For more info, call Connie Hammond at 268-2637 or Les Stansbery at 231-6954 or Mark Stansbery at 252-9255.)
We'll be also fundraising for the "Campaign of Conscience for the Iraqi People" organized by the American Friends Service Committee & the Fellowship of Reconciliation.
Campaign of Conscience for the Iraqi People
Participant Form
(Please print this form and mail to the address at the bottom)
Enclosed is my contribution to the Campaign of Conscience for the Iraqi People. I understand that these funds will be used for this educational campaign and to purchase humanitarian aid and materials to repair the civilian infrastructure of Iraq.
I support the American Friends Service Committee and the Fellowship of Reconciliation in expressing their moral commitment to respond to the humanitarian crisis in Iraq. I understand that AFSC and FOR will apply for licenses to ship these goods to the people of Iraq, but if denied will ship without a licenses, violating the US Sanctions. My contribution might then be interpreted by the US government as a violation of US law, which provides for civil fines up to $275, 000 per violation and criminal penalties up to 1 million and /or 12 years in prison.
By my contribution, I am publicly associating with AFSC and FOR's effort to end the economic sanctions against the people of Iraq. I feel morally obligated to help alleviate the human suffering in Iraq which is perpetuated by the destruction of Iraq's civilian infrastructure: water purification, sewage treatment, and power generation for schools, hospitals and homes.
I understand that a copy of this signed statement will be presented by the Campaign of Conscience to the President, the US Ambassador to the United Nations, and my US Senators and Representative, and that my name may be used in public statements of support for the Campaign of Conscience.
Name (Please Print)__________________________________
Street Address_____________City_______State___Zip____
*Persons under 18 and those with immigrant status may face additional legal problems and could contact the Campaign of Conscience before signing a participant form or making a contribution.
For Campaign of Conscience Use Only
Amount of Contribution $______Phone____________Email________________________
__Please send me __brochures and/or __organizing packets to help organize for the Campaign of Conscience.
__Please list me as a local coordinator for the Campaign of Conscience.
__I will write and/or meet with my US Senators and Representative about my participation in the Campaign.
__I will publicize my involvement in the Campaign in my local media.
Please print this participant form and return to:
Campaign of Conscience c/o AFSC 1501 Cherry Street Philadelphia, PA 19102
or c/o FOR, P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960 *****