Laying Bets: W Will Win

Joe R. Golowka joegolowka at
Thu Aug 17 19:09:14 PDT 2000

From: "John Thornton" <jthorn16 at>
> > > See, item B, silence is unknowable and unknown.
> >
> > Hardly unknowable. The percent of people who don't vote is usually
> reported
> > in mainstream media.
> >
> Isn't it reported as voter apathy or contentment, not as a form of
> 'protest'?

The majority of corporate media acknowledge that declining numbers of voters is a threat to "democracy". Many claim that this is caused by voter apathy, although not all go for such a vulgar outlook (the polls don't really support it). It will be difficult to maintain such a thing if voter turnout continues to decrease and unrest continues to increase.

>And wouldn't that make the non-participation as protest unknown
> to most people?

Only if you assume "most people" blindly believes 100% of the crap corporate media spews out. Most people don't vote and a large chunk of them don't do it for apathy. If they promote the apathy claim too much then they'll kill their own credibility.

> > It means that you choose not to participate in the system. If you don't
> > like the system - why participate? You gain nothing. It's hypocritical
> to
> > participate in an activity you think is wrong.
> Like the wage system?

Most people are coerced into the wage system. In the US you are not coerced to vote. It would be hypocritical to participate in the wage system if you didn't believe in it and weren't forced into doing so.

>> Elections actually help
> > the ruling class because it generates the illusion that we have control
>> over
> > the system
> But non-participation hurts them?

It helps us because it decreases the number of people who buy into the illusion. This in turn helps them. The more people who become disgusted with the system and stop participating in it, the more people oppose the system. This is good.

Joe R. Golowka JoeG at

"Candidates say "vote for me, and I will do so-and-so for you." Few believe them, but more important, a different process is unthinkable: that in their unions, political clubs, and other popular organizations people should formulate their own plans and projects and put forth candidates to represent them. Even more unthinkable is that the general public should have a voice in decisions about investment, production, the character of work, and other basic aspects of life. The minimal conditions for functioning democracy have been removed far beyond thought, a remarkable victory of the doctrinal system." -- Noam Chomsky

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