Anti Depressants?...

Maria Gilmore Maria.Gilmore at
Mon Aug 28 21:36:40 PDT 2000

While I will grant that my ears were burning for a while after Carrol cyber-boxed 'em for me, and I beat a hasty retreat ...I have hung in, albeit in lurker mode. I learn a ton from reading this list, and I find it entertaining too. <G> To Carrol, I must finally say, I honestly didn't mean to be obnoxious or attack anybody at all. As I remember, I made a rather naive suggestion that people patronize as a political statement or something foolish like that. I'm better informed now. And while I can do without some of his invective, I think Carrol (and Doug) are right to call Reese on comments that were at best innocently insensitive and based on ignorance. "People who stay active don't get depressed." With all due respect, horse hockey. There are tons of case histories of people who were living very active lives when their mood disorder manifested itself. Carrol's sensitive to how those who suffer mental illness are treated in this culture, understandably. I wish he wouldn't be so harsh when he fights back, but more than that I wish there were more people like him, who will call someone on their thoughtless ignorance about these illnesses in no uncertain terms. He's right about antidepressants, too. And concerning doctors re Joanna's comments...I don't know about Europe, but the vast majority of head med prescriptions written here in the US are by general practitioners, internists, primary docs...*not* psychiatric specialists. THAT'S where the psychoactive pill flood is coming from. A general rule might be, beware of your family doc bearing Prozac to help you cope with the pain of life's losses.

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