overposting again

jan carowan jancarowan at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 10 04:28:55 PST 2000

>*Bzzzt*. Uh-oh, that darn troll alert is going off again. Really, Mr.
>Warmly, parodying a language-bot is so, you know, Burroughs (the adding
>machine, not the writer). Is that chip implant acting up again?
>-- Dennis

Mr Redmond, I do not consider support for Nader to be left of those who strategically voted for Gore or did not vote at all. Mr Sturrock (?) seemed to me give very good reasons to be skeptical of Nader whose active support of trade nationalism, immigration restriction and union busting are well known. One wonders whether some of the Nader supporters here secretly wanted a Bush victory due to their commitment to a positivist Keynesian pseudo science. It may have been thought that Bush's Keynesian stimulus via tax breaks and some debt financed spending would keep the economy closer to full employment than austerity Al's pay down the debt program. So these positivist Keynesians may have found it worth it to sacrifice mere political, social and cultural issues since at least we will get some Keynesianism out of Bush, as we did out of Reagan--however politically retrograde the form of Keynesianism. But it is this kind of Keynesianism that allowed Keynes to write admiringly of the German fascist state. Mr Casey clearly sees the dangers of a Bush presidency. He has been subjected to cheap insults for arguing that Bush is clearly worse than Gore and raising the question of to whom exactly is there no difference between Gore and Bush. It will do no good to shout about Gore's abhorent welfare, capital punishment, crime, drug, labor, affirmative action, and abortion right policies. Because on each of these issues Bush will clearly be worse especially with a majority in the Senate and the House. I will tell you a couple of things of which I am pretty sure: Bush and Cheney have no tolerance for homosexuals; and they probably subscribe to theories of racial inferiority. It's not a matter of silencing who is to the left of Gore; it's a question of whether voting for Nader whose political vision is murky at best and thus contributing to a Bush victory was to the left of Gore or a stupid defacto right wing thing to do. I clearly think the latter, and find myself in opposition to Mr Sawicky, Mr West, Mr Henwood, Ms Ehrenreich, Mr Marable, and Phil Donahue. Mr Casey has been more eloquent than I in defending a vote for Gore over Nader, and I have not appreciated the vituperative attack to which he has been subject.

Warm regards, Jan

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