
Chuck Grimes cgrimes at tsoft.com
Sun Dec 10 16:27:10 PST 2000

I loved Scalia's comment to the effect that he supported stopping the counting of the votes because it would damage the legitimacy of Bush's presidency. As far as I'm concerned, that's a confession.

Barry ----------------

What is interesting is the inside out logic used by the Right. The clearest example is the idea that Gore is attempting to reverse a known and valid election result. If the election is under formal contest, as the Florida Supreme Court found when it directed the recount, and without Florida Gore has both the popular and electoral votes, then there is no known and valid result.

Scalia used a similar logic in making the presumption that Bush has been elected President and to grant a vote recount would de-legitimize an already accomplished fact. However the accomplished facts are Bush is not elected President, he lost the national popular vote, the Florida result is under contest, and the electoral college has yet to meet and vote.

I was only half joking when I paraphrased the declaration of independence. The SC has nullified the popular majority vote and dissolved the majority consent of the governed since how else is consent to be measured except by vote? Are we to be presented our consent to be ruled by Bush, under Supreme Court fiat?

I am not sure that the mealy mouthed democrats in government quite understand what has happened. The interests and people they represent have been nullified and they are considered illegitimate by the self-anointed Right if they do not go along with their own execution. Pure Kafka.

Chuck Grimes

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