Gore Gives up

jf noonan jfn1 at msc.com
Wed Dec 13 13:29:26 PST 2000

On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Doug Henwood wrote:
> But as any student of Dan Lazare knows, the Constitution
> bears a heavy responsibility for the primitive political
> culture in the U.S. The conscious checks on democracy, for
> one, and the reliance on Constitutional "guarantees" leading
> to a complacent demobilization for two. So you can't address
> the political culture without addressing the Constitution.

OK, I've read some of his stuff, including the 2-A piece in _Harpers_, which I largely agreed with. But what is his plan for getting this new constitution? Even in significantly more progressive times we couldn't get an ERA passed...


Joseph Noonan Houston, TX jfn1 at msc.com

haiku for struggle

democracy rocks noisy protests in the streets frowns high in rich suites

-Chip Berlet

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