O Happy Day

Dennis Perrin/Nancy Bauer bauerperrin at mindspring.com
Fri Dec 15 13:28:44 PST 2000

>it leads some people to aver "white collar work" and pat themselves on the
>back for their manual labor. it leads them to engage in their own
>stereotypes and biases that make cutting across these status differences
>harder to do if you're trying to organize.


I suppose this one's aimed at me. If so, let me be as straight as possible (no offense to the same-sexers present): I do not "pat" myself on the back for choosing one form of labor over another. I simply spoke of my experiences as it related to the thread. That's all. Yet, by doing this (and by employing humor and irony), I've been whacked not once, but twice by the righteous kel, who either doesn't believe what I say or thinks she has found some hidden subtext that I'm trying to slip by the LBOers. "Yadda yadda" barely covers it.


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