US Supreme Court's power grab/ Law is politics/Flexibility oftactics

Dennis Breslin dbreslin at
Sun Dec 17 06:45:02 PST 2000

> Max Sawicky wrote:
> What is the political message of defending someone
> who declines to defend themselves?

Barry Rene DeCicco wrote:
> "Vehicle" is the word, Max.

Yeah, vehicle. You don't have to love Gore to pursue the issues. Indeed, I'm sure some will do so with gusto just to add some mischief (and rightly so) to the political process. The right hardly did the loyal opposition thing for the past 8 years. They devoted themselves at the grass-roots, talk-radio, and in Congress to undermine Clinton and the whole liberal establishment.

I think they did their job well - so that many people think of Clinton & his ... oops... those vaguely in the same ... dammit I want to use the word "ilk" - how 'bout Clinton and the bilge sodden pigs bladder that passed for liberals' in less than fond terms. The Clintonite is a blow-job lovin', draft dogdin', porn lookin', pot smokin'. yuppie commie scum. Since I just got spammed with another of those lists of dead people associated with Clinton - I wonder if there isnt' a new criminological category: clinton-assisted suicide - I could add murdering thug. I might add baby-killin' but I suspect those on the right want more of that...

And they pulled off the hard trick of pairing the shitty personal with the shitty political/ideological.

C'mon Max. Had Gore won, do ya think Republicans would be satisfied by goo-goo reforms?

A whole lotta political alternatives open up when you can paint the opposition as a group who are on a par with those promoting sex with animals (and my gratitude to Chuck Grimes for that image).

Think of legitimation crisis as a process and not an event. If there isn't one, then it'll be due to liberal groups pining for political manners and urging calm. And that will leave the more radical ones twisting in the winds. Republicans always do power grabs better. Now they're stolen the left's script. Bourgeios riots and cops marching in protest. Times like these gives me a momentary understanding of why there's calls for smashing the Dem. party. Goo-goo indeed.

Dennis Breslin

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