Pentagon: Communists Now Least Threatening Group In U.S.

james maclachlan jamesmaclachlan at
Wed Dec 20 15:49:08 PST 2000

LeoCasey at wrote:
> Always worth a chuckle.
> Communists Now Least Threatening Group In U.S.
> WASHINGTON, DC-- According to a report released Tuesday by the
> Pentagon, Communists rank last on a list of 238 threats to national
> security. "Communists may now safely be ignored," Secretary of
> Defense William Cohen said. "The Red Menace has been surpassed by
> militia groups, religious extremists, ecoterrorists, cybercriminals,
> Hollywood producers, and angry drivers." Other groups deemed more
> threatening than Communists include rap-metal bands (#96), escaped
> zoo animals (#202), and Belgians (#237).
> Leo Casey
> United Federation of Teachers
> 260 Park Avenue South
> New York, New York 10010-7272 (212-598-6869)

Well, could somebody tell that to Dubya, as Russia is begging for Canada's help in preventing the continuation of the U.S. 'Star Wars' program? They have this 'wee' bit more concern to feed their millions of starving and homeless (which both the U.S. AND Canada should BE doing) then play some 'my penis is bigger then yours' game!

Could somebody ALSO tell Powell to keep his filthy mouth and sick idea's away from Canada please? He has been up here in Ontario on occasion blabbing about how 'wonderful' U.S. 'death' boot camps are for those 'young criminals'!! Sick, sick...

James MacLachlan Ontario Canada

-- "I think that there is nothing, not even crime, more opposed to poetry, to philosophy, ay, to life itself then incessant 'business'."

Henry David Thoreau

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