Seth Ackerman wrote:
> This is not a good argument against rape as a product of evolution.
> A trait does no.....
I had browsed the initial posts on this then deleted them and all responses on the assumption that no one would give the research the compliment of discussing it as an intellectual position. I did post Kelley & Yoshie off list suggesting that such research be treated as in the past we treated South African speakers or the likes of Shockley, etc. -- we tried (sometimes successfully) to prevent their speaking. Analogously, when such articles as this appear the pages containing them in libraries should have superglue applied.
Rape is a civilized act -- performable only by self-conscious and socially aware agents. It is not a sexual act. Speech or writing which suggests otherwise is not subject to the courtesy of being treated as an intellectual act.
What Seth says here is true -- and it is in fact essential to make the point, since it is part of the case against the more fundamentalist assertions of evolutionary doctrine (e.g. Dawkins). But why the fuck did he take *this* research as the context in which to assert it. The male supremacist domination of left thought remains secure.