facts, science, muck and what ought to be done [Re: A Drooling Response to Rob]

kenneth.mackendrick at utoronto.ca kenneth.mackendrick at utoronto.ca
Thu Feb 3 21:20:24 PST 2000

On Thu, 3 Feb 2000 23:43:33 -0500 Ken Hanly <khanly at mb.sympatico.ca> wrote:

> moral question. "Ought old Shmuck to have been to class on time."

This isn't even remotely related to anything Habermas has to say about morality. I'm sorry, but it's true.

Morality, in Habermas, has to do with claims about normativity that affect (potentially) the *entire* population of the planet. He even goes so far as saying that abortion might not be a moral issue - since it is likely that it has more to do with private interests than general interests. So, moral issues are issues like human rights - specifically, claims that extend across all political, social, and economic boundaries. In Habermas's discourse ethics, only (D) is a moral principle. In his later work on law and democracy, only democracy itself is in possession of a moral principle (justice to all, and to all a good night). Benhabib and Heller note that this places a fantastic limitation on what counts as moral. As far as I can see, they happen to be correct.


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