facts, science, muck and what ought to be done [Re: A DroolingResponse to Rob]

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Thu Feb 3 23:37:06 PST 2000

kenneth.mackendrick at utoronto.ca wrote:

> . He even goes so far as
> saying that abortion might not be a moral issue

Of course it's not a moral issue. It's a mere medical decision by a woman. And the right to abortion will never be really established until it is broadly taken for granted that abortion raises no moral issues whatever.

This same battle has gone on about once a year on these lists since 1996 or 1997. The first time around it was the late Lisa Rogers (Lisa: "In a Jar, Daddio, in a Jar!") who led the battle. It was some communist from Canada who led the misogynists. (I'm assuming that the only basis for harassing women into seeing abortion as a moral issue is misogyny.)


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