> > He even goes so far as saying that abortion might not be a moral issue
> Of course it's not a moral issue. It's a mere medical decision by a woman.
And the right to abortion will never be really established until it is broadly
taken for granted that abortion raises no moral issues whatever.
I agree, it isn't a moral issue in the Habermasian sense of moral - it's a question of power. But it is a moral issue in a sense, but not for the reason Habermas gives (ie. not in the general interest). My moral interests *include* issues of the good life - We should be working toward living in a world where no pregnancy is a tragedy. So it is a moral issue insofar as morality has something to do with particular visions of a good life. But not a moral issue in terms of blind justice.
So, believe it or not, I agree with you. But I'd work with a slightly different understanding of morality - linked with enjoyment and trauma - which includes all issues that one finds meaningful. And I won't harp on this. The real issue here is power.