Z magazine on Marc Cooper and Mumia

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Fri Feb 4 16:00:23 PST 2000

Marta Russell wrote:

>Is it possible to do a flip conversion from a conservative Republican position (married to Michael Harrington) to a revolutionary leftie? HMMMMM Next time I'm in a book
>store I intend to investigate.

As I should have, since I just saw the book (bought the new Carl Boggs, "The End of Politics, "), and I always read Arianna when the SF Chronicle runs her column. I'd hesitate to say she's moved from the libertarian right (as witness the SSI proposal, she probably supports those Medical Savings Accts, but I have seen her decry the widening wealth and income chasm in the USA. And she was married to closet case, Michael Huffington, not Harrington! BTW, Ariannas e-mail is arianna at ariannaonline.com I e-mailed her yesterday over her column on the Reform Party. I think she got spun by a Fulaniite named James Mangia, who was a San Francisco cadre for the New Alliance Party back in the early 90's and who I had a pretty unpleasant encounter with when I was leafletting for a candidate for the SF Board of Supervisors and he was running on the Reform Party line or was it Peace and Freedom(?), for a seat on the board. Whichever it was P & F lost its ballot line, as it fell under 5%, and it seems to me the reform party is riven by the Venturans, the Perotistas, the Fulaniites/Buchananites (Hitler-Stalin Pact),and whatever other nutcases are behind Donald Trump. Is there a Reform party or it just an e-mail list? Maybe Micah Sifry knows.

Michael Pugliese

P.S. Arianna's book on Maria Callas is awful. An ex-lover, way too much into Maria Callas, says so. BTW, I shoulda' known a child of punk rock and an opera queen weren't gonna have a long lasting relationship.(Dead Kennedys vs. Callas, Throbbing Gristle vs. Judy Garland!) And Huffington also has a New Age tome called, The Seventh Instinct, " written under the influence of New Age huckster, John Roger.

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