>>> Jim heartfield <jim at heartfield.demon.co.uk> 02/06/00 01:30PM >>>
A good illustration of the way that, though relative, needs are given at any historical moment is illustrated by two TV programmes on the air here, Shipwrecked and Castaway 2000. Both involve dumping volunteers on an island to see if they can survive under their own resources, and filming them, one on the Scottish island of Taransay the other on the Pacific island of Aitutaki. In both cases, though the volunteers thought that they would like to live away from the creature comforts of civilisation, they had massive personal and emotional break-downs. The Channel 4 documentary got through, but the BBC one has been taken off the air because the volunteers all rebelled and left the island.
CB: Sounds like you all are still doing that _Robinson Crusoe_, _Lord of the Flies_ entertainment type thing.