
Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Tue Feb 8 08:33:19 PST 2000

From: bhandari at mmp.Princeton.EDU (Rakesh Bhandari) Subject: Re: The Psychoses

> On excludability, one of the most substantial Marxist discussions is
> Maurice Godelier's chapter "Terroritory and Property in Some Precapitalist
> Societies" in The Mental and the Material. Verso 1986--I imagine that Ted
> knows this work. Here we find that right to use property has not always
> entailed right to alienate it. The specificity of the bourgeois rights of
> property is explored.

You have to read a specialist article to discover this!!! I was teaching that material (parentetically as widely known) to my undergraduate classes in literature 30 years ago. It would never have occurred to me that it was any big news or needed a source. One would not quote a source for the news that the Washington Monument was in Washington, D.C. Geez, I though everyone had read *Pride and Prejudice*.


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