Zizek = the Third Way (was Re: Zizek on Haider)

kelley oudies at flash.net
Fri Feb 11 13:40:44 PST 2000

Here's the thing, if the logic of enjoyment is such that Haider gets fans with all the publicity surrounding his denouncement, then tell me, why doesn't it work the other way? Why don't feminists accrue more to their ranks when Rush calls them feminazis? Why isn't the queer community seeing rising numbers of supporters/identifiers as Dr. Laura denounces them repeteadly? eh? Was it just that anarchists got all that negative publicity and attention--the denunciations all over the mainstream media in the US? Or, was it that the particular object of denunciation and what they were struggling against were already appealing to the peeps who became interested in anarcho-activism after the WTO protests? In my hometown, when a church was denounced as a cult [it was not, but that's what happened] it didn't see a rise in membership despite the denunciations and the huge forums that were held, including a free one featuring one of those dudes who deprograms cult members. Nope. The church didn't see rising numbers of membership. In fact, a couple of years later they were exposed for fraud and other crap.

The logic that Zizek uses in this analysis is just wrong and that's why psychoanalytic concpets ought not be applied to social phenom -- they don't fucking translate because society doesn't operate like people and people aren't societies.


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