Can you help me?

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Sun Feb 13 13:07:24 PST 2000

Three accounts that spring, on one corner of the American New Right, the cadre of closeted gay men (The Homintern) (Reagan in his first term as Governor in California had gay staffers, see the newish book by Adam Nagourney and another NY Times writer on the history of the gay rights movement) like Terry Dolan, RR's speechwriter, to mind are, "The Price of Achievement, " by W. Scott Thompson, Bob Baumann, "A Congressman From Maryland, " (Baumann was an early leader of YAF) and though he's really more Old Right, the memoir of Marvin Liebman, the Commottee of One Million-Taiwan China Lobby guy, a right-wing Willi Munzenberg.

Haven't read but the book Cal Thomas formerly of the Moral Majority, "Blinded by Might, " got good reviews. And an early book, "The New Right and the Politics of Resentment, " by Alan Crawford, circa 1980, is a good critique by a National Review type conservative. Finally, unreconstructed Cold War Liberal (see his newest book, "Vietnam: The Necessary War, " for that malignancy, or check out Eric Alterman's review in the new Dissent or Ronnie Dugger's in The american Prospect a few issues ago) had a good book slamming the neo-cons and the religious right called, "Up from Conservatism." Just the chapter on Pat Robertson using sources like Nesta Webster (lots of red spider webs), Elizabeth Dilling (pick up her, "The Roosevelt Red Record, " you can find it for around 10 bucks, later on she formed a anti-intervention in WWII group called if memory serves The Mothers Movement[???], historian Glen Jeansonne has written on her, and Eustace Mullins, author of many a book from topics like the Fed, Ezra Pound, and the Satanic rings of Jews sacrificing Gentile babies [I kid you not, a while back I posted on the list a URL for the Posse Comitatus site that Rev. Jim Wickstrom runs, on Nov. 15th, '99, he had Eustace on, about 2/3 of the way through the broadcast this stuff straight outta the Protocols was gone into].

Geez, I thought I was just gonna give a few citations, start with memoirs from the New Right, end up with Christian Identity anti-semitic lunacy...

"Knock, Knock!" "Who is there?" "John Trochmann of the Montana Militia, William Pierce of the National Alliance, and Pete Peters from Colorado!" "Just the guys I wanted to see!" "Er, want some bagels?"

Michael Pugliese, losing his mind...

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