Save us from 60s Nostalgia (RE: Sweeney DefendsGoreEndorsement

William S. Lear rael at
Thu Feb 17 18:32:02 PST 2000

On Thursday, February 17, 2000 at 01:32:53 (-0500) Doug Henwood writes:
>Paul Krugman wrote:
>>because the
>>developing world is still so poor, what looks to careless observers like
>>exploitation is often far better than the alternative.
>Reading something like this makes me wish there was a Hell for the
>author to burn in.

But Doug, aren't you fond of quoting (approvingly, I think) Joan Robinson to the effect of the only thing worse than being exploited under capitalism is to not be exploited?

Naturally, though, I do share your opinion that Krugman should rot in a flaming pit of pulped copies of the American Economic Review.


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