Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Thu Feb 24 09:30:28 PST 2000

James Baird wrote:

>I've been away from NYC for a few years (thank god...), but something in
>this whole Hillary Bubble escapes me: why do otherwise rational politicos
>seem to think she has a chance in hell of winning? Has someone repealed the
>iron laws of New York State politics? Isn't the equation still
>upstate=republican, NYC=democrat?
>If Hillary gets a single upstate county, it'll be a miracle, and Herr
>Guliani still has enough juice in the City to dilute any majorities she
>might rack up there. So why are these people prostrating themselves in
>front of her?

Rudy isn't wildly popular upstate, but still - there's no end to the liberal capacity for self-delusion. You should hear otherwise sensible people enthusing about HRC. I sure hope Al "Grandpa" Lewis runs.


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