Query, Re: Derrida, Habermas, and Theology

Chris Doss itschris13 at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 25 22:26:17 PST 2000

Me again--sorry, my original dissertation topic was on this subject. I think Bultmann's debt to Heidegger is very explicit--he wrote an essay on the subject. Didn't he and H. teach a seminar together once?

Heidegger did attend one of Bultmann's classes (on Luke?) regularly.

There's quite an interesting anecdote about Heidegger attempting to reconcile with Bultmann (unsuccessfully) after his Nazi period, which I would relate wrote now if, well, I hadn't drunk so many beers at the bar earlier.

Chris Doss

Chris Doss
>A little of both, I think. I remember hearing Rudolf Bultmann's daughter
>recall that a a child she was dandled on Heidegger's knee when he came to
>Marburg. She said her father -- perhaps the leading Protestant biblical
>scholar of the 20th century -- spoke of his friend, the Catholic (in
>background) Heidegger coming to teach at Protestant (in background)
>Marburg at the time of the publication of Sein und Zeit. There's a sense
>in which Bultmann built his theology by using a Heideggerian
>existentialist decision in place of a Lutheran justification by faith --
>so Bultmann's existentialist theology remained Lutheran in outline.
> --C. G. Estabrook

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