Sweeney on trade

Rakesh Bhandari bhandari at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Tue Feb 29 11:35:23 PST 2000

> >I invite everyone else to read that statement
> ><http://www.aflcio.org/convention99/res1_6.htm> and consider if this
> >is an accurate characterization. "Deep debt relief" and global
> >redistribution don't strike me as terribly imperialist.
> >
> >Doug

Doug, I am shocked by your endorsement of this statement now that I have read all of it (you hadn't downloaded all of it before).

Here are two quotes:

1. "Trade agreements have opened our markets while leaving in place other countries' barriers" This is bullshit 2."Develop stricter rules AGAINST the mandatory transfer oftechnology, production and production techniques." (my emphasis) This says it all.

Yours, Rakesh

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