What's Missing?

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Tue Feb 29 11:27:18 PST 2000

As regards, The Nation, hope that they (and National Review, which also does those cruises with the same cruise line) are not using that cruise line which refuses to sponsor gay cruises (no pun intended!) to the Caribbean. Forget which island a few years ago refused entry to a ship full of gay men with dollars.

Back in the eighties, Vic Navasky, and other publishers of left, right and center opinion rags had a joint conference on independent publishing. Socialist Review ran a few papers. Are these cruises, all that eventuated, as a common endeavor?

And on The Nation cruises, years ago, in The Atlantic, the P.J. O'Rourke character had a sendup of the trip down the Volga.

Michael Pugliese

P.S. The Boston Phoenix has a new piece by a liberal for John McCain. Somehow, I doubt, the McCain admin. would use another Boston Phoenix writer, like Clinton used the services of ex-Phoenix writer, Sid Blumenthal. Sid was on CSPAN the other night, intro by Sean Wilentz. And on McCain, see that look right into the camera, and the weird hostile smile he gave right after he gave his line about Pat Robertson in Virginia Beach? What fun to watch a GOP fracas!

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