uncanny parallels, revisited

Brad De Long delong at econ.Berkeley.EDU
Tue Jan 25 10:09:49 PST 2000

>Brad De Long wrote:
>>I thought that "we" was "us." Is there anyone who doesn't believe
>>that Deng Xiaoping's dismantling of the communes in the late 1970s
>>triggered an enormous increase in agricultural production in China?
>That may be, but does that translate into increased welfare for
>peasants? Haven't scores of millions been displaced, desperate for
>day labor in the cities?

The right answer is that we don't know what's been going on in the interior of China since 1980. We do see rising real wage levels in the coastal cities, suggesting that the dominant force inducing rural-urban migration is still "pull" from urban opportunity rather than "push" from rural displacement.

But I'm not the right person to ask...

Brad DeLong

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