Desire & Scarcity (was Re: Desire under the Elms)

Eric Beck rayrena at
Sat Jan 29 13:13:58 PST 2000


>And we'll have sex and sensually enjoy bodies (our own & others') without
>gender & "sexuality" (conceived in our modern fashion as the Truth of the
>Self). The end of Platonic Love, the beginning of pleasant surprises &
>lasting friendships.

You mean sanitized and uncomplicated. Icky. Love/sex/desire without passion agony fear ecstasy jealousy anger joy sorrow desperation and all the attendant complex human emotions sounds dull and horrible to me. (I was reminded of this when I saw the movie The End of the Affair last weekend.) Expedient, yes; enjoyable, no.

The thing is not to bend human desire--indeed, humanity--to fit utopia, but to make utopia conform to humanity--admittedly a much more difficult thing to accomplish.* But I for one would accept nothing less.


*We might begin by relieving ourselves of this notion that love, life, art, and revolution can be managed by Science. But I'll save that for another post.

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