U.S.: Un Paraiso de Locos

Max Sawicky sawicky at epinet.org
Mon Jan 31 14:28:00 PST 2000

EDA: . . . [I left out the part about stockings, garter belts and whips; didn't seem relevant]. . . .

Thanks for the properly expurgated translation. The reporter didn't quite get my professed lack of understanding of why unemployment is so low right now. I do think something new is happening. But I don't know what it is. (Da DUM . . . ) I don't think it's 'globalization.'

These 'expert' designations are always embarrassing and unsolicited. Somehow 'public finance' got turned into expert in 'finance,' a little like lightening and the lightening bug.

Worst experience was sitting new to Dan Mitchell of Heritage for a TV interview, described as one of "two TOP economists."

Obviously if you've set up an interview, you don't want to say all I could find to talk to are these two shitkickers in Washington.


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