India gets about 100m dollars to phase out CFC's

Chris Burford cburford at
Wed Jul 5 23:01:22 PDT 2000

At 17:12 05/07/00 -0400, Chris at


>What a crock. Where's the money coming from? The GVT of industrialized
>I manufacture something with CFC's I get fined and
>closed down. I can move to India and get paid to stop.

Your argument never occurred to me, which is interesting. You seem to argue from the premise that everyone in the world should have the same rights, and therefore the same duties, and be liable to the same punishments. That is self-evident and is the end of the argument.

It sounds as if you do not live in Australia and New Zealand, nor in Canada or Norway, where people have reason to fear skin cancer from a growing ozone hole over the polar ice-caps.

But perhaps you might be concerned for your children if the ozone hole has spread to hang over the temperate countries by the middle of the century before they are dead.

Anyway given that some people are concerned about this, how could India, or China, be persuaded to stop making refrigerators with CFC's?

Should they be fined, like you would? What if they do not pay the fine? How can it be enforced? Should they be threatened with trade sanctions? Or military intervention?

The trouble is they both have atomic weapons.

So how can this problem of skin cancer be solved from a standpoint of bourgeois right until we have world government, and everyone in the world is equal under the law, as they are at present in the USA?

What better than to set up a committee with one of the countries chairing it, and give the committee x hundred million dollars to spend?

Maybe after India has got its 82 million dollars it will kindly pass the chair to China.

Do you see my point?

Anyway I thought pork barrel politics was part of the glue that held the US political system together, so why do you find this policy so self-evidently unjust?

Chris Burford


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