Anticommunism Web Site (re: anticommunism

kelley kwalker2 at
Wed Jul 12 15:18:51 PDT 2000

At 05:35 PM 7/12/00 -0400, Doug Henwood wrote:
>Nathan Newman wrote:
>Wow. Geraldo Rivera's a Commie. I had no idea. Does Jack Welch know?

JESUS. did you read this bit of absolutely positively nothing? check it out:

"If you have ever wondered why the Left (including American Liberals) are slow to condemn Communism's atrocities, it is because they share a fundamental belief in human nature and the role of institutions in shaping human attitudes and behaviors. "

i'm sorry, but i don't believe this says anything does it? what exactly are these beliefs and institutions?

jesus. it's amazing to me that anyone would write this shit and expect it to pass for something serious. it's enough for the opening line to say utterly NOTHING and trust that it will be interpreted as a meaningful statement. and it will, it will just be assumed by the reader that whatever it is, it's not good.



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