Anticommunism Web Site (re: anticommunism

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Wed Jul 12 15:40:52 PDT 2000

kelley wrote:

>JESUS. did you read this bit of absolutely positively nothing? check it out:
>"If you have ever wondered why the Left (including American
>Liberals) are slow to condemn Communism's atrocities, it is because
>they share a fundamental belief in human nature and the role of
>institutions in shaping human attitudes and behaviors. "
>i'm sorry, but i don't believe this says anything does it? what
>exactly are these beliefs and institutions?

I think this means lefties all share a faith in the human power to shape human life and history rather than those script being written by God and/or Nature. They might have a problem with some laissez-faire types, but who are we to ask that they be consistent?


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