Memorial Madness

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Fri Jul 21 11:04:48 PDT 2000

>from SLATE on-line magazine, 7/21/00: >The Washington Post fronts
>yesterday's public meeting of a government commission that decided
>to go forward with a proposed World War II memorial to be located
>between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. The paper
>implies the project is destined for final approval even though it
>also observes that at yesterday's hearing there were more people
>speaking out against it than for it. But it's hard to tell from the
>Post account what the opposition is all about. For that you have to
>turn to the NY Times' inside effort, which high up says that some
>critics think the proposed architecture is in the words of one,
>"unacceptably reminiscent of Fascist and Nazi regimes," and some
>think the placement of the thing fouls the aesthetics of the space
>between the Washington and Lincoln monuments. The coverage takes no
>account of the idea that the WW II generation, God bless it, has not
>exactly been overlooked. Why for instance, doesn't Saving Private
>Ryan count? Or if bricks and mortar are required, isn't the Iwo Jima
>memorial perfect? It's the forgotten heroes of doomed and unpopular
>causes that need monuments. And if deserved national recognition
>equals a monument in Washington, then we're already well on our way
>to paving the streets there with nothing but. There'll be the Pueblo
>obelisk, the Grenada arch, not to mention the logically inevitable
>and equally logically impossible The Monument to All American
>Soldiers Who Don't Have One. <
>I'm looking forward to the monuments honoring the US victories over
>Panama, Iraq, and Serbia.
>Jim Devine jdevine at &

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