"The Moral Sense in Estate Tax Repeal"

Tom_Roche at ncsu.edu Tom_Roche at ncsu.edu
Sun Jul 30 17:43:11 PDT 2000

"Can We Appropriate the Rich?" Sure! and the estate tax is IMHO a great way to do it. So why hasn't the left gone after estate tax repeal with both barrels? Instead, the media seems to, when it covers the issue at all, be dominated by crap like the following.

BTW, if anyone could pass pointers to good rebuttals, I'd appreciate. I got this from my Econ 205 instructor, who is very much neo-con, neo- classical, and not at all disinclined to vector his views via the classroom. But I do get the opportunity to refute when inclined (i.e. when equipped); your prompt assistance is appreciated.

TIA, Tom_Roche at ncsu.edu

> The Moral Sense in Estate Tax Repeal
> [Op-Ed]
> New York Times

> Print Media Edition: Late Edition (East Coast)
> New York, N.Y.
> Jul 24, 2000

> Authors: Alan Wolfe

> Pagination: 19

> ISSN: 03624331

> Dateline: CHESTNUT HILL, Mass.

> Full Text: Captioned as: Alan Wolfe is director of the Center for
> Religion and American Public Life at Boston College and is the
> author of ''One Nation, After All.''

> Since the supply-side revolution of the Reagan years, the Republican
> Party has vigorously advocated tax cuts. The idea seemed to make
> sense both as policy and as politics. Lower taxes, supply-side
> theorists argued, would stimulate economic growth, thereby avoiding
> budget deficits. And the appeal to voters would turn the Republicans
> into the majority party, for few people would be able to resist the
> notion that government's money is really their own, best left in
> their pockets.

> The policy behind tax-cutting never quite worked as expected; until
> recently, deficits plagued the American economy. Neither did the
> politics. To be sure, Walter Mondale lost badly to Ronald Reagan in
> 1984 after he talked about raising taxes, but then Americans began
> to tell pollsters that tax-cutting was not a high priority with
> them. A program of slashing federal spending -- even shutting
> government down -- wound up harming the Republican Party's hopes for
> majority status. Steve Forbes made tax cuts the linchpin of
> campaigns for his party's nomination and got nowhere. New Hampshire,
> the most tax-resistant state in America, began to consider an income
> tax.

> It therefore seemed to be one more example of political folly when
> Senate and House Republicans decided to take on the estate tax.
> First passed by Congress in 1916 to help pay for World War I, the
> federal tax on estates kicks in when a person leaves assets valued
> at $675,000 (rising to $1 million in 2005). Because only 2 percent
> of American estates are taxed, Republican calls for repeal reeked of
> the party's proclivity to reward its wealthy donors, even at the
> risk of alienating individuals whose more modest estates would never
> be taxed.

> President Clinton responded by insisting that any tax relief should
> go not to the very rich, but to those who have fallen behind in
> these dizzying economic times. Democrats have discovered that when
> it comes to tax policy, class warfare works; Americans are receptive
> to the notion that Republicans appeal too much to selfish motives to
> be fully trusted with the common good.

> Yet as the estate tax issue played itself out, both parties found
> themselves surprised. Democrats, realizing that they are on the
> defensive, are trying to fashion a compromise that would benefit
> farmers and small businessmen. Republicans, not used to capturing
> the moral high ground on any issue, sense blood and would like
> nothing more than a presidential veto.

> One possible explanation of this reversal of fortune is that even
> poor Americans someday hope to be rich enough to have an estate;
> these days, after all, anyone owning a house in a desirable
> neighborhood is already within sight of the tax's minimum. But this
> assumes that Americans are selfish enough to want to hold on to
> their money even when they do not make much of it. The problem with
> this explanation is that because the estate tax is paid after you
> are dead, you cannot hold on to it. You can, of course, spend it
> before you die. But once you are dead, there are only two options:
> It can be left to those you designate, usually your children, or it
> can be left to everyone in the form of general tax revenue.

> The philosopher Immanuel Kant taught that the more just solution
> would be to leave your estate to everyone; we are obligated to
> others, Kant believed, irrespective of whether we know them
> personally. It follows that if you are rich enough to have an estate
> eligible to be taxed, needy people unknown to you are more deserving
> of your largess than the few children you happen to have had. But
> while Americans do not mind being taxed, they do not trust
> government to do what is right. Uncertain that the money they have
> earned will go to all, they would rather make sure it goes to some.
> And who better to pick those to whom it will go than the person who
> made the money in the first place?

> This instinct to leave your own money to your own children cannot be
> called selfish. Sociobiologists, in fact, would call it altruistic,
> for in their view the willingness of an organism -- usually a gene
> -- to sacrifice so that its offspring flourishes is the very
> definition of altruism. Whether or not one agrees with them, repeal
> of the estate tax taps into very strong family feelings.

> Paying for college illustrates the principles involved. It is
> grossly unfair that rich Americans can send their children to better
> universities than those that poor Americans can afford. The
> unfairness is compounded when the best colleges admit so-called
> legacies -- students whose parents attended these same colleges.
> Should we therefore encourage parents to forgo all advantages for
> their own children, giving the money they save instead to a
> scholarship fund for any needy students? Or should we be happy that
> people will go to such lengths to ensure that people other than
> themselves get ahead, even if those others are related to them by
> blood?

> In a way that makes sense to them, even if it does not make sense to
> philosophers, Americans who support repeal of the estate tax, like
> Americans who deprive themselves of vacations in order to send their
> children to first-rate colleges, are expressing a generous urge.

> Repeal of the estate tax gives Republicans the opportunity to speak
> about solidarity. To be sure, the solidarity that repeal encourages,
> because it focuses on the family rather than society as a whole, is
> limited in scope. But it is broader than the extreme individualism
> of the free-market Republican rhetoric Americans find less than
> ennobling.

> Americans prefer strengthening ties among people they know to the
> alternatives of either looking out for no one or looking out for
> everyone. Estate tax repeal corresponds to the basic moral instincts
> of most Americans. That is why, unlike tax-cutting across the board,
> it is a winning political issue.

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