the term 'software' (fwd)

Michael Hoover hoov at
Mon Jul 31 06:46:36 PDT 2000

add to 'new smarty' equivalent of Hirsch's 'literacy' list... Michael Hoover

> July 28, 2000
> NEW BRUNSWICK, New Jersey (AP) -- John W. Tukey, a Princeton University
> statistician credited with coining the word "software," died here
> Wednesday. He was 85.
> As a professor at Princeton and researcher for AT&T's Bell Labs, Tukey
> developed important theories about how to analyze and present data
> clearly. But his most widely recognized contribution is his introduction
> of the term "software" to describe the programs used to run early
> computers. It first appeared in a 1958 article he wrote in the journal
> American Mathematical Monthly.

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