Boss Everywhere.....

kelley kwalker2 at
Thu Jun 1 16:09:28 PDT 2000

oh foucault would be lovin this -=- boss everywhere how can you beat that for a name???

the panopticon--discipline and punish--everywhere!

thanks elena!

****** Boss Everyware gives a clear picture of how a computer is being used. Boss Everyware secretly logs program names, window titles, visited URLs, user names, and keystrokes. With its Report Manager, Boss Everyware also provides a powerful tool for the analysis of logged data.


Boss Everyware lets EMPLOYERS observe and record how their Employees really "interact" with their computers. "Interacting" is defined as: "what the user was really doing at any particular time and not which programs he/she had started that morning and kept on in the background while playing Solitaire all day."

It is also useful for PARENTS who want to control how their Children are interacting with the family computer (e.g., computer games, learning software, Bart Simpson's Web Site or Dad's on-line banking service).

Boss Everyware can also be useful for SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS who can now track user actions which may have caused a system failure.

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