Gun Nuts on left and right

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Sun Jun 18 12:58:37 PDT 2000

It's my passive-aggressive streak at work. Accusing the ultra-lefts of what the "right-wing socdems" like me, do too. Wish I still had the e-mails, I had on the internal squabbling and turf wars in Texas, but it's probably just as well, you know the 'ol dirty laundry thing.

I was thinking, Carrol Cox, was gonna say, I'm implying a "moral equivalence" between the white and Black militia nutter, ala the neo-cons vs. the New Left, (I am, says someone who read, Humanism and Terror, " by Merlau-Ponty long ago, and since has come to disagree with his stance thbere re: revolutionary violence" as did Maurice, cf. his "Adventures of the Dialectic") but, Carrol has made clear who he reads and who he doesn't. Oh well, there is still time.

As to my motivations, I like a good food fight like (some) of us. I used to think debate opened up the process of "finding the truth" (too much Habermas, in my youth?) Now, I think, positions just get polarized and polemicized into competing dogmatisms. (Maybe, I'll read some Carl Schmitt, no? ;-: )But, further, I cannot say, for once I'll take the counsel of Carrol, and try to abjure "mind reading".

Michael Pugliese, factionalist, diversionist. Think I need to learn some martial arts to express my "surplus hostility" so I don't use the internet and y'all to dump on...It's always easier to divert anger to a closer target than the "real enemy".

----- Original Message ----- From: Stephen E Philion <philion at> To: Michael Pugliese <debsian at> Cc: <lbo-talk at>; <brc-discuss at> Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2000 12:17 PM Subject: Re: Gun Nuts on left and right

> Michael,
> It seems all you do is put stuff out with comments designed to bring on
> one sort or another flame war. I usually just skip over such posts, but I
> went through it and wonder to myself, "where is there anything in here
> about turf wars between left sects?" Turf wars between left sects may or
> may not be a serious issue (my guess is in the overall scheme of things
> it's a pretty small one), but where do you provide us with any material
> that would be relevant to such an issue, one way or the other?
> Steve
> Stephen Philion
> Lecturer/PhD Candidate
> Department of Sociology
> 2424 Maile Way
> Social Sciences Bldg. # 247
> Honolulu, HI 96822

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