Fwd: Bad news re Phyllis Jacobson

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Wed Jun 21 17:35:55 PDT 2000

[from David McReynolds]

From: DavidMcR at aol.com Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 20:24:38 EDT

Some of you getting this do know the magazine New Politics, and its editors Phyllis and Julie Jacobson, members of the ISL in the old days, and for years editors of the fiercely independent "New Politics".

Some of you won't know them - forgive my hit and miss approach. Back in the early 60's Phyllis was the Organizer of the Lower Manhattan Branch of the Socialist Party.

I just learned to today that Phyllis suffered a massive stroke while vacationing with Julie in France - her suvival is not certain.

I will pass on further information if I get it.

Fraternally, David McReynolds

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