Fwd: Truth is the First Casualty of War

Seth Ackerman SAckerman at FAIR.org
Fri Jun 23 16:25:59 PDT 2000

Brad DeLong wrote:

> >Author Michael Zezima makes the case that the U.S did not enter WWII to
> >stop fascism or to make the world a safer place. To the contrary, the
> U.S.
> >business class traded with Hitler and Mussolini up to and even during the
> >war. Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh's public Hitlerphilia were
> symbolic
> >of big business's admiration for Hitler's anti-communism.
> This is completely incoherent. "The U.S." does not equal "The U.S.
> business class"--especially not in 1940, when the U.S. business class
> loathed FDR...

But FDR admired Mussolini, didn't he? And he did everything he could to install Nazi collaborators Giraud and Darlan in power in France, instead of De Gaulle, whom he truly loathed, almost hysterically...


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