1900 House

Jim heartfield jim at heartfield.demon.co.uk
Wed Jun 28 02:28:15 PDT 2000

In message <20000628074036.62962.qmail at hotmail.com>, jason rice <red666er at hotmail.com> writes
>Yes so wouldnt it really suck if due to resource depletion, enviromental
>catastrophe, or the wars sure to pop up as a result of the two, we were
>thrust into those barbaric conditions suddenly and with no choice in the

Since the circuit of matter exchanged between man and nature has only ever increased it is hard to know what 'resource depletion' you are talking about. Similarly 'environmental catastrophe' has the character of a religious belief - a secularised day of judgement.

But since you seem to object to the use of resources that has so palpably improved the standard of living, it is hard to know why you would object to being 'thrust into those barbaric conditions' of their absence. -- James Heartfield

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