Fwd: 'Gas-out' apr 7-9

Charles Brown CharlesB at CNCL.ci.detroit.mi.us
Thu Mar 9 11:00:44 PST 2000

>>> Wojtek Sokolowski <sokol at jhu.edu> 03/07/00 05:07PM >>>
Baran & Sweezy correctly identified auto industry as the heart of monopoly capitalism.

********** CB: Yes, the Economics Commission of the Communist Party did too. Sort of the top of the economic food chain in the U.S. Is this still true ?


BTW, I recall reading in some transportation professional journal (forgot the reference) that US is teh only developed country that subsidizes its autmobile transportation "system" from general taxes (if I remember the figures, that subsidy is about 40% of the operating costs).


CB: This subsidy would be a STATE-MONOPOLY capitalist structure par excellent. State-monopoly capitalism means "socialism" for the monopoly coporations.


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