Charles Brown CharlesB at CNCL.ci.detroit.mi.us
Wed Mar 15 11:08:15 PST 2000

I'll be glad to decide.

In general, if you don't think there is anybody you would trust making decisions on legal definitions, what are you demonstrating for in Seattle and elsewhere ? Who will decide the statutes, definitions and cases that arise out of the progressive laws you are trying to win ? If you are in the Labor Party, who will decide what a "job" is in the Constitutional right to a "job" ? Or is it that you are against all laws because Rehnquist is chief justice , and will deciding what the words mean ?


>>> Doug Henwood <dhenwood at panix.com> 03/15/00 01:47PM >>>
Charles Brown wrote:

>So , I say the political value of freedom from racism is more
>important than the value of freedom of speech.

And who will decide what qualifies as "racism," and therefore unprotected? You? Bill Clinton? William Rehnquist? David Duke?


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