
kelley kwalker2 at
Wed Mar 15 12:20:52 PST 2000

Anyone know the name/date of that incident where kids playing a certain video game were said to have epileptic fits induced by waves emitted from screen?

any of you conspiracy theory watchers know much about developments in non-lethal weapons and information technologies? i'm reading a little bit about it -- nasty stuff. it's the kind of thing that's real popular among domestic law enforcements and what was used in Seattle. No Kent State, just spray with cancer causing gas and shoot 'em with rubber bullets that, were they to have killed which they sure have potential to do, they could just have said, "but we didn't intend to; it was the one in a billion chance...etc"

as i'm reading through it i'm wondering how much d.a.n. and others clue themselves into this stuff. i know that, if they're connected with conflict resolution centers that they often pay attn to this stuff.... but i was wondering about it in terms of strategizing for a16, m1 and the conventions.... like i'm getting paranoid reading this stuff but the chance that they'll try to hit the alt media sites that are used would definitely seem like one tactic and a pretty demoralizing one if successful. so my next question is, are folks thinking about messing with mainstream media at all. this would seem like an ace thing to do......and i *swear* i read about it. i'm on a16 list so maybe it was there that i read it. but did anyone else read about this--the attempt to jam or just generally fuck with the main streammedia during coverage?

rambling, kelley

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