Rebuttal to Nathan

Mon Mar 20 18:01:53 PST 2000

In a message dated 00-03-20 17:43:16 EST, you write:

<< People keep projecting ideological opponents who had to have 100,000 dead to

justify intervention, which allows them to play numbers game debates rather

than debating the core issues of Milosevic and the regime he ran.

-- Nathan Newman >>

Not the point, Nathan. Slobo is and was a sack of shit and the regime he runs and ran was the graveyard of what many of us once thought was socialism's best hope. But that doesn't mean that we should start baying for NATO bombing even when he does something tolerably awful: behavior that bad and worse is pretty common, and we don't really want NATO throwing its weight around on the off chance that this time, unlike all the other times it has ever done anything, it is either acting from a good will or in way that is likely to have good effects.

There may be some fools who think that the rump Yugo regime was great, but those morons are the useful idiots of imperialism, along with those socialists who think that NATO is a potential source of real humanitarianism.


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