Sweeney bashing (re: China and AFL)

TRox51 at aol.com TRox51 at aol.com
Mon Mar 27 18:31:37 PST 2000

The AFL is serious about stopping the PetroChina IPO, there's no doubt about that. But I haven't seen any evidence (from the AFL, not Nathan) that this is any more than a publicity stunt with an easy target, China. Why do the best people get hired at AFL corporate affairs & then leave, sometimes after only a few months on the job? Well, better to ask them, but the trend is not good. Office of Investment is a terribly managed place run by someone with zero management skills, who answers to people whose first loyalty is the political winds, not the ranks. But this is so theoretical its ridiculous. I respect anyone doing solid political work, I just don't happen to respect the top guns at the AFL who ran that place like the central committees of old. Who says Leninism is dead? What we need maybe is a little more Marxism, a lot less Leninism. Now there's some red meat for y'all.

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