2000-05-11 Proclamation on Peace Officers Memorial Day andPolice Week

frances bolton fbolton at chuma.cas.usf.edu
Fri May 12 17:40:07 PDT 2000

>If we don't keep up the Cult of the Dead Cop, then we might actually
>have to treat them like other civil servants, in which case it might
>get *very difficult* to continue militarizing them, poorly training
>them, and otherwise letting them "own the streets" where that means
>something roughly equivalent to "shoot anyone they decide to".

Oooh, creepy experience on the subway after St Patrick's Day parade. Train was full of thick-necked white cops, all wearing buttons memorializing the guy Mumia allegedly killed.

No, they aren't well trained. They panic easily and try to present that as a virtue (we're aware of our surroundings!) I'm now in the criminal justice biz, and during our training time, everyone who came in to talk to us gave us this long speech on how cops can't shoot for shit.

Scarier than the police are the PBA lawyers. Those guys are *butch*.


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