Prince Charles v. scientists

Mark Jones jones118 at
Wed May 17 11:47:11 PDT 2000

N P Childs:

> Thanks for the advice, but no thanks. I'll take my cues from someone who
> isn't inbred and doesn't have a vested interest in sucking up to
> the C of E.

Really, you Americans out to get your brains into gear before you engage your mouths. Prince Charles is probably an Orthodox Greek Xian and almost certainly a Buddhist as well, but he is no follower of that great British social work dept, the C of E, of which his own mother is chairperson. As for inbreeding, there is no evidence of that. We'd already have had the first film on the subject if Gollywood (as Russians call it) thought so, starring Russell Crowe as tormented 2nd cousin and Hermione Gingold or that Redgrave woman as willing/unwilling suibject of the incestual discourse.

I hope some of you read HRH's Reith Lecture. British geneticists (as you know, the best in the world, we grow the biggest and fastest genes and miscegenate the wildest kinds of canola) are already paroxysmic about Charles's epistemological frailties.

Mark Jones

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