Henwood & Employment #s.

kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Fri May 19 11:19:03 PDT 2000

yo whaddup rob! (just for old times sake)

>But a mate (one who did Law at uni, natch) let me drive one once.

purty brave of him, i'd say ;)

>And I gotta say - Jeep Cherokee and Ford Explorer are to Toyota
>Landcruiser as Brittny Spears is to Aretha Franklin.


sorry, but i get sick of listening to all you lefty weinie guys whining about power vehicles. why is that? why is it that once women start driving trucks and SUV's that we end up having to listen to left men wax about the horror of it all. huh?



i like being in a big truck or SUV. they're BIG. i RULE the road. when a lewd truckdriver gets out of hand i can give him what for -- much more convincing in a truck or SUV.

i can cart around kids and sports equipment, it carried the drum kit, hiking and camping equipment, a canoe. when i moved you would NOT believe what i could pack in that thing.

i can go to the store and get pretty much anything i want and i will be able to get it home without making special arrangements with a friend who has a truck. (yeah, like peeps who don't drive but are always bumming rides...)

and i'll tell you, back when i was commuting in upstate new york, sometimes 210 miles a day between adjunct jobs in the winter, i was damn glad i had the four wheel drive, the stick and the height. getting out of snowbanks was a snap as was getting out of the snow compacted around the vehicle from a snow plow.

and fuck you to those who would tell me to get a volvo station wagon which would accomplish the same. as if that ain't a status symbol in it's own right. oh yeahsureright, pat yourself on the back and tell yourself that it's "a good deal" and "super safe". rrriiiiiiiiight

when i drove the silverado, it got 15 mpg. okay. so it was a gas hog. with the pathfinder i get 22 mpg because it's a stick. that's 8 mpg less than the auto mitsubishi that i had prior to the pathfinder.

>Yours thoroughly seduced,

now yer talking. but it's sorta like how you feel about guns, no?

hyperbolicaly yours,


ps. yeah yeah yeah i know. we should use public trans. autos suck. blah blah blah. but that's not where we are at right now.

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