Bush, dumb?

kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Thu Nov 2 13:38:29 PST 2000

At 12:30 PM 11/2/00 -0500, Doug Henwood wrote:
>Chris Caldwell writes in this week's New York Press:
>Dumbo One ploy that's definitely not going to work is this Gore use of
>surrogates to attack Bush's intelligence. Yes, Bush is slow, and I can say
>that-but Gore can't. Bush is dumb only for a politician; he's smarter than
>the median voter. So the median voter is going to watch some Al Gore shill
>talk on national tv about what a dope Dubya is. And said median voter is
>going to think: "If Gore thinks he's dumb, what does he think of me and
>the wife and kids?"

dah. human beings have an amazing capacity to be completely devoid of such self-reflective consciousness. he's dumb, but i'm not.


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