Why I Decided Not To Vote For Nader In A 'Safe' State, And How LBO-Talk Helped

Lisa & Ian Murray seamus at accessone.com
Fri Nov 3 13:43:09 PST 2000

> ChuckO,
> Actually the very scariest thing that Clinton and
> the Repugs in Congress have ever done is going
> down right now and nobody on this list saying boo
> about it. That is the new de facto Official Secrets
> Act that has just been stealthily passed by Congress.
> There is now major pressure on Clinton to veto it,
> although he has been supporting it so far. This would
> make it a serious felony for anybody to say anything
> about anything that they know about that might be
> "classifiable" by any agency of the government. This
> is serious repression, big time, and passed with no
> debate in Congress.
> Barkley Rosser


Please don't tell me you're surprised by this, given the massive increase in the classifying of the most trivial shit by the repugs. Hell if current trends continue, they'll classify biology surveys to keep enviros from performing watchdog operations on the endangered species act.


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