Sober & Vegan (was Re: (no subject))

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Fri Nov 3 15:55:36 PST 2000

>LeoCasey at wrote:
>>If there is an old piece of smelly shit around
>>the American left today, it is partaking in the male adolescent joys of
>>"kicking butt" by running through the streets with black flags and masks,
>>busting Starbucks' windows, and proclaiming that you have invented some new
>>form of revolutionary politics
>Two questions, Leo: 1) why can't women play this game too, and 2)
>what does this lurid scenario have to do with a sobersides like

1. Our local anarchist youths (in Columbus, OH) are largely female & often (sadly) vegan or at least vegetarian.

2. Evidently, the American Left are a little too sober, so sober that we are unable to generate a plausible sex scandal.

***** Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 18:40:57 -0500 To: lbo-talk at From: Doug Henwood <dhenwood at> Subject: Re: GORE OPS TARGET NADER'S SEX LIFE; MOVE CALLED 'DESPERATE' Sender: owner-lbo-talk at Reply-To: lbo-talk at

Chris Kromm wrote:

>Is this satire?

Why? Is the idea that Nader has a sex life ludicrous on its face?

Doug *****


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