> >Two questions, Leo: 1) why can't women play this game too, and 2)
> >what does this lurid scenario have to do with a sobersides like
> >Nader?
Yoshie Furuhashi:
> 1. Our local anarchist youths (in Columbus, OH) are largely female &
> often (sadly) vegan or at least vegetarian.
There's nothing sad about being a vegan or a vegetarian, at least not to my personal observation. I've already mentioned the predominance of women in my little world.
> 2. Evidently, the American Left are a little too sober, so sober
> that we are unable to generate a plausible sex scandal.
I think this is because we're not taken seriously enough. If a bunch of anarchists or socialists have a drug-soaked orgy, who cares? It's just what's expected.
At least it keeps us smiling over our soyburgers.