Gramsci says: vote for Gore!

Nancy Bauer/Dennis Perrin bauerperrin at
Tue Nov 7 11:43:54 PST 2000

Steve Perry wrote:

>bravo! except for the part about wellstone--he's been conspicuously silent
>for some time now, apart from working himself into a hoarse frenzy stumping
>for gore.

Wellstone has been much better about opposing Clinton/Gore legislation than most of his lib colleagues -- especially Bernie Sanders. I remember his passionate speech on the Senate floor when welfare reform was passed. He's been good on some corporate issues as well. (He did favor the bombing of Serbia, though.) I agree that in this election, he's been full-Gore. But even in his PBS debate with Hightower, Wellstone conceded that in many ways he was much closer to Nader than to Gore. But party politics, and the fear of a Bush Fascist Regime, has, sadly, kept him within the Dem fold.


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